Unit converter

All unit converters

ConverterCategoryBase unit
LengthCommon convertersMeter (m)
Mass and weightCommon convertersKilogram (kg)
VolumeCommon convertersCubic meter (m³)
TemperatureCommon convertersKelvin (K)
AreaCommon convertersSquare meter (m²)
PressureCommon convertersPascal (Pa)
EnergyCommon convertersJoule (J)
PowerCommon convertersWatt (W)
ForceCommon convertersNewton (N)
TimeCommon convertersSecond (s)
SpeedCommon convertersMeter/second (m/s)
AngleCommon convertersDegree (°)
Fuel consumptionCommon convertersMeter/liter (m/L)
Data storageCommon convertersBit (b)
Dry volumeCommon convertersLiter (L, l)
Angular velocityEngineering convertersRadian/second (rad/s)
AccelerationEngineering convertersMeter/square second
Angular accelerationEngineering convertersRadian/square second
DensityEngineering convertersKilogram/cubic meter
Specific volumeEngineering convertersCubic meter/kilogram
Moment of inertiaEngineering convertersKilogram square meter
Moment of forceEngineering convertersNewton meter (N*m)
TorqueEngineering convertersNewton meter (N*m)
Fuel efficiency massHeat convertersJoule/kilogram (J/kg)
Fuel efficiency volumeHeat convertersJoule/cubic meter (J/m³)
Temperature intervalHeat convertersKelvin (K)
Thermal expansionHeat convertersLength/length/kelvin (1/K)
Thermal resistanceHeat convertersKelvin/watt (K/W)
Thermal conductivityHeat convertersWatt/meter/K (W/(m*K))
Specific heat capacityHeat convertersJoule/kilogram/K (J/(kg*K))
Heat densityHeat convertersJoule/square meter (J/m²)
Heat flux densityHeat convertersWatt/square meter (W/m²)
Heat transfer coefficientHeat convertersWatt/square meter/K
FlowFluids convertersCubic meter/second (m³/s)
Flow massFluids convertersKilogram/second (kg/s)
Molar flowFluids convertersMol/second (mol/s)
Mass flux densityFluids convertersGram/second/square meter
Molar concentrationFluids convertersMol/cubic meter (mol/m³)
Concentration solutionFluids convertersKilogram/liter (kg/L)
Dynamic viscosityFluids convertersPascal second (Pa*s)
Kinematic viscosityFluids convertersSquare meter/second
Surface tensionFluids convertersNewton/meter (N/m)
PermeabilityFluids convertersKilogram/pascal/second/square meter
LuminanceLight convertersCandela/square meter
Luminous intensityLight convertersCandle (international) (c)
IlluminationLight convertersLux (lx)
Digital image resolutionLight convertersDot/meter (dot/m)
Frequency wavelengthLight convertersHertz (Hz)
ChargeElectricity convertersCoulomb (C)
Linear charge densityElectricity convertersCoulomb/meter (C/m)
Surface charge densityElectricity convertersCoulomb/square meter
Volume charge densityElectricity convertersCoulomb/cubic meter (C/m³)
CurrentElectricity convertersAmpere (A)
Linear current densityElectricity convertersAmpere/meter (A/m)
Surface current densityElectricity convertersAmpere/square meter (A/m²)
Electric field strengthElectricity convertersVolt/meter (V/m)
Electric potentialElectricity convertersVolt (V)
Electric resistanceElectricity convertersOhm
Electric resistivityElectricity convertersOhm meter
Electric conductanceElectricity convertersSiemens (S)
Electric conductivityElectricity convertersSiemens/meter (S/m)
Electrostatic capacitanceElectricity convertersFarad (F)
InductanceElectricity convertersHenry (H)
Magnetomotive forceMagnetism convertersAmpere turn (At)
Magnetic field strengthMagnetism convertersAmpere/meter (A/m)
Magnetic fluxMagnetism convertersWeber (Wb)
Magnetic flux densityMagnetism convertersTesla (T)
RadiationRadiology convertersGray/second (Gy/s)
Radiation activityRadiology convertersBecquerel (Bq)
Radiation exposureRadiology convertersCoulomb/kilogram (C/kg)
Radiation absorbed doseRadiology convertersRad (rd)
PrefixesOther convertersNone
Data transferOther convertersBit/second (b/s)
SoundOther convertersBel (B)
TypographyOther convertersTwip
Lumber volumeOther convertersCubic meter (m³)

Measurement unit converter

Measurement unit converter

Humanity faced the need to use measures at the dawn of civilization. It was necessary to somehow measure distances, determine weight, temperature, area, time, speed.

To do this, units of measurement were introduced: first, primitive and conditional (finger, elbow, fathom), and then standard ones - meter, yard, foot. For example, today density can be measured and expressed in liters, kilograms / cubic meters or pounds / cubic meters, and time - in seconds, minutes, hours.

History of units

Length measurement

Initially, the length was measured by parts of the human body: palms, fingers, elbows, feet. Since each person has slightly different proportions and sizes, such measurements were very arbitrary and not highly accurate. Especially if it was about measuring large multiples, for example, a kilometer road, which, depending on the characteristics of a person, can be either 1250 or 1450 steps.

Primitive length units were used in different countries during antiquity and the Middle Ages, and only in the XIV century, the English king Edward II introduced a relatively accurate way to determine the dimensions and distances. The usual unit of measurement - an inch, which was previously measured as the width of the thumb of an adult, he proposed to measure with barley grains. So, since the XIV century, an inch is three barley grains laid in a ruler one after another. Since the size of all barley seeds is approximately the same, this provided a much higher measurement accuracy.

At the same time, measures such as the foot, yard, and qubit continued to be used. The first was equal to the length of the human foot, the second - the length of the male belt, and the third - the distance from the ends of the fingers to the elbow. Even ancient scientists understood that the error in using such measures was huge, but the need to switch to more accurate units of measurement arose much later - in the 16th-17th centuries, as the exact sciences developed.

Weight measurement

Before our era, weights were determined very conditionally and with low accuracy - in the equivalent of pebbles, grains and seeds of approximately the same size. In ancient Babylon, this led to the creation of the first units of measurement: shekels, mines and talents. Later, they were borrowed first by the Israelites, and then by the Greeks and Romans. The latter renamed the mine into a liter, which corresponds to the modern pound.

A much more precise system was used in ancient India. According to her, the basic unit of mass was 28 grams (analogue of an ounce), and all other quantities were repelled from it. The maximum unit was 500 base and the minimum was 0.05 base.

The same weights differed in different historical eras. For example, the same mine in one period of the history of Babylon was 640 grams, and in another - 978 grams. At the same time, for many centuries it remained the main unit of mass measurement: not only in Babylon itself, but also in most other civilized countries.

American history also speaks of the inaccuracies of the measures, where, until the middle of the 19th century, gold mines established their own units of weight measurement. In California, they were brought to a common standard only in 1850.

Volume measurement

The main measures for determining volumes in the ancient world were containers and vessels. For example, in ancient Greece, clay amphoras were used for this. They contained from 2 to 26 liters (by modern standards) and made it possible to accurately measure liquids and bulk materials. The former most often were water, oil and wine, and the latter were crops.

Transition to a unified measurement system

It's hard to believe, but the confusion in units of measurement (often conditional and inaccurate) continued until the 18th century. And only in the 1790s in France were the first standards of mass (kilogram) and length (meter) made. They formed the basis for the Le Système International d'Unités (SI) system of units, commonly known today as the SI. The first version of the international metric system began to be used in Europe from the beginning of the 19th century.

Measurement standards were also sent to the United States, but the ship was captured by British privateers along the way. This is one of the reasons why the United States still uses its own metric system (yards, feet and miles), and the SI system remains only an alternative / fallback.

A complete official description of the international system is contained in the SI Brochure published since 1970. Since 1985, it has been published in English and French, and in May 2019 it underwent the last (at the moment) edition. Material objects used for comparisons were removed from the system, and the definitions of measures received new official wording.

Interesting facts

  • In 1875 in Paris, seventeen countries signed the Meter Convention (Convention du Mètre) - an international treaty that serves to ensure the unity of metrological standards in different countries.
  • The International System of Units (SI) was introduced in 1960, it contained six basic units (meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela) and 22 more derived units.
  • In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, this is the temperature at which paper burns. In terms of temperature in Celsius, this is 232.78 ° C. Paper actually burns at 843.8 degrees Fahrenheit (451°C).
  • The English like to describe the size of geographical objects in non-traditional units. In the papers, there are "bus length", "football field" and "Olympic pool".
  • Radiation can be measured in bananas. Each banana contains about 0.1 μSv. This is a safe dose to get irradiated, like after the explosion at Fukushima-1, you need to eat 76 million bananas. The comparison with a banana is used when they want to point out a negligible dose of radiation.

With the help of the converter, you can convert various units of mass, length, volume, area and much more. The service provides adaptation of units of different systems. You can easily recognize measurements in inches and centimeters, distances in miles and kilometers, weight in pounds and grams.

How to convert units of measurement

How to convert units of measurement

Over the past 2-3 millennia, mankind has invented dozens and hundreds of units of measurement, starting with cubits and fathoms, and ending with grams and ounces. The maximum number of measures was put into circulation in the XVIII-XX centuries: with the development of exact and applied sciences.

Moths, watts, pascals, ohms, lumens, bars, degrees - the SI system is replete with definitions of various quantities, and when they are mutually translated / converted (in cases where translation is possible), problems arise not only for ordinary users, but often - and specialized specialists.

To simplify the conversion of units of measurement, special online converters have been developed. In them, it is enough to select the necessary measures, enter a value and get an instant result. It makes no sense to describe the algorithm of the converter, so we bring to your attention a list of the most unusual measures and units of measurement that exist today.

Unusual units

The top most non-standard measures that exist and are applied in different countries of the world include the following:


This unit measures 1.7 meters and is the height of Oliver Smoot, a student at MIT in the 1950s. In 1958, he measured the Harvard Bridge with his body. The result was 364.4 smoots or 620 meters.

Subsequently, Oliver Smoot became president of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and an unusual way of measuring lengths and distances, in smoots, entered the tradition of Bostonians.

Big Mac Index

The world-famous burger from the international fast food restaurant chain McDonald's includes staples: muffin, meat, cheese, vegetables and condiments.

By their total cost as part of the Big Mac, it is possible to compare the economies of different countries with a fairly high accuracy. So, if in dollar terms a burger is cheaper than the American index, the exchange rate in this country is undervalued, and vice versa.

Pyramid Inch

A common measure in the field of conspiracy theories and other pseudosciences, equal to 1.001 of the usual inch or 2.5427 centimeters. According to pyramidologists, it is the twenty-fifth of the "sacred cubit" and is used in all ancient pyramidal buildings.

Schmidt Sting Force Scale

The famous American entomologist Justin Schmidt, who studies bees, wasps and other stinging insects, created his own four-point scale, according to which he measured the pain from bites.

According to this scale, the most severe pain a person experiences from a bullet ant sting, which is a maximum of 4.0 points. Other insects do not sting as much, and their bites are estimated in the range from 1.0 to 3.9 points. In order to assign a score to each entomological species, Schmidt had to expose himself to the bites of hundreds of different insects.

Holmes-Ray stress scale

American psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Ray in 1967 proposed a new system for assessing stress that affects the human psyche. They assigned a certain number of points to each stressful event.

For example, problems with superiors are worth 23 points, retirement is worth 45 points, and the death of a spouse is worth 100 points. In order for a person to develop a mental disorder with an 80% probability, it is enough to experience several negative events in a short time interval so that they score more than 300 points in total.

Mut Scale

It was first used after the wrestling match between Keiji Mutou (武藤敬司) and Hiroshi Hase (馳浩) in 1992. During the fight, Muta received a strong blow from his opponent and filled the entire ring with blood, the amount of which was estimated as 1.0 muta.

Since then, any duel has been tacitly evaluated on this scale. If the fight goes without blood, it is valued at 0 muta, and 1 muta is not an upper limit and can be exceeded during the most bloody fights.


This measure is equal to the average probability of death - one in a million. So, without other inputs, each person can die here and now with chances of 1/1000000, and they can increase depending on various factors. For example, risks increase by 1 micromort for every hour spent in a coal mine, every two days of living in a metropolis, and every five years of living near a nuclear power plant.

World practice also knows more exotic units of measurement. For example - beard-second, mickey or neck. In astronomy, they also use the measure siriometer (one million astronomical units), and in programming - KLOC (thousands of lines of code).

As a rule, they are highly specialized and cannot be converted to other values. If you need to convert standard measures (time, distance, density, frequency), just use the free converter.